Stella made roxakia. And a bit of troubleshooting.

See the Greek version of this postHello “auntie” Sofia!

I am sending you this photo as historical proof that yes, I, the kitchen lazy gal, made at some point in my life roxakia!

The photo is not very good, but I will not say the same for the roxakia. They are yummy!

What I like about the recipe is that it went step by step to the end (almost). It’s the first time that I wasn’t terrified by the concept of as much flour as required (I could see in the video how to do the dough). Nothing stuck, it was easy. (actually, I did the little dough sausages with my 4 year old daughter, she really appreciated the process). On cue the roxakia came out of the oven hard, everything went great.

I followed your advice for the syrup exactly (and yes, the roxakia were completely cold and I had just taken the syrup off the heat). At this point something didn’t go right (or not?) cause this morning (after leaving them in the syrup and turning them around) they are still swimming. They are nice and soft inside and out but still swimming. Should that have happened? – We are eating them so quickly it’s mad! There are already 5-6 roxakia missing from the photo!

Thank you very much, I will keep following you!


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Dearest sister Stella,

Well done and bravo and hurray! It’s great that you like the roxakia. It’s Mummy Despina’s recipe, so yes, it’s great!

Let’s go for some troubleshooting.

this morning (after leaving them in the syrup and turning them around) they are still swimming. They are nice and soft inside and out but still swimming. Should that have happened?

Normally, no.


  1. The roxakia were not cold. Not the case with you.
  2. The syrup was not pipping hot. Not the case with you.
  3. You didn’t turn them 3-4 times. Not the case with you.
  4. The syrup boiled for too long. If this happened then it was too thick.
  5. Too much syrup. The cups measurement is tea cups not coffee mugs.
  6. No problem. You may have a bit of syrup left (but not the roxakia swimming in it). This is not bad if the roxakia are soaked through.

Anyway, don’t worry. There are many times that I can’t get them syrupy and I go mental as I’ve done everything that I should have done. Next time they’ll be better. However if I got what you were saying they disappeared 🙂

We loved your letter here at Digital Scullery – send us any ideas for future recipes.

With syrupy kisses,

Auntie Sofia

One thought on “Stella made roxakia. And a bit of troubleshooting.

  1. Pingback: Despina flouras | Kaokaokao

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