Μου στείλανε δωράκια από Το Πικρό Τσάι της Ξενιτιάς, άλλο να σου λέω κι άλλο να τα βλέπεις. Επιβάλλεται λοιπόν μια συνταγή.
Μπορεί κι εσύ να κερδίσεις το τσάι και το τζιβιτζιλάκι σε σχήμα καρδούλας (αγάπησα) αν γραφτείς στο newsletter τους μέχρι 20 Ιουνίου εδώ.
Καλό φαίνεται αλλά να βάλω και λίγο μέλι ; δεν την αντέχω τόση πίκρα ! Καλημέρα .
Να βάλεις βέβαια!
forse sono leggermente OT, ma vorrei precisare che in lingua italiana non esistono i numeri 'bilione' e 'trilione'. L'inglese (americano) 'billion' è pari a un miliardo e il 'trilione' dovrebbe essere mille miliardi, ma non so bene… … dato che si tratta di un numero inesistente… anche in questo caso si vede il pressapochismo dei giornalisti italiani, che citano le summenzionate cifre ad ogni piè sospinto, memori forse dei fantastilioni di dollari di Paperon de' Paperoni…ciaomaurizio
Mason,Your comments are very much appreciated. I have made a “reply to my critics” which will appear in tomorrow’s post. My critics are entitled to their opinion on the state of my faith but why not engage me in a conversation in an effort to win me back? Why not ask what is causing me to consider evolution? I suppose it is easier to simply dismiss me as deceived than to enter into a dialogue.
Yah… Are you going to fix the frozen view count problem yet… come on it has been happening for months now and sorry if you are having some troubles with it but if you don't find a temp fix people will leave youtube for good…